Friday, September 13, 2013

Scout survey

Dear Mt. Nebo Scouters,

We recently sent out this survey to all of the wards and Scouting units in the district to assess which Troops, Teams and Crews went camping this summer.  The LDS Church’s General YM Presidency recognizes that a week-long camping experience each year is an important part of missionary preparedness.  We ask that you take 2-minutes to fill this survey out so that we can better serve you.

Thank you,

--Dave (on behalf of Val Richards,  Mt. Nebo Camping Chair)

David A. Johnson | District Director | Camp Director: Maple Dell Scout Camp

BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICAUtah National Parks Council

Description: e-sig


From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 4:13 AM
Subject: LNT @ ScoutJAM100 ~ October 10-12, 2013 at Wasatch County Events Center, Heber City, UT

Looking for people to help staff 2 LNT booths at the Utah National Parks Council ScoutJAM100 from 9 to 4 on Friday, and 9 to noon on Saturday.
Please let me know ASAP, as we are less than 30 days out.  You don’t have to be in the booth the entire time, let me know what hours you will be available to help.  Thanks.  Keith

Keith Abraham
BSA – Utah National Parks Council
Outdoor Ethics Advocate