Tuesday, December 4, 2012

District Activities for 2013

Mt. Nebo District 2013 Activities

1/19/2013               Leader Specific Training              
2/1-2/2013              Varsity Winter Rendezvous        
2/8-9/2013              Klondike Derby                  
2/23/2013               Cub Scout Belt Loop
3/28/2013               Eagle Recognition Banquet
3/29/2013               District Recognition Banquet
4/19-20/2013         Northstar Training
4/27/2013               Leader Specific Training
5/10-11/2013         Spring Camporee
5/10-11/2013         Varsity Iron Horse Rally
6/8/2013                  Cub Olympics
6/10-15/2013         Timberline (Course Director: David Devenport:  801-465-4747)
7/8-13/2013                       Timberline (Course Director: Perry Ewell:  801-423-3688 or
7/13/2013               Scottish Sprint
8/5-10/2013                       Timberline (Course Director: Ryan Finch:  801-465-7809)
8/23-24/2013         Northstar Training
8/2-3/2013             Webelos Woods
9/27-28/2013         Fall Camporee
9/28/2013               Cub Fall Festival
10/19/2013             Leader Specific Training
11/16/2013             Turkey Shoot

Monday, November 19, 2012

Some notes from the "New Curriculum" Training

Thank you Mick and Cory for these notes...


I received a call last Tuesday evening from the Stake for ALL YM adult leaders to attend a Regional training Wednesday evening at a Stake Ctr in Payson on the new Youth curriculum for 2013. I didn’t feel like it was fair to our YM to cancel all activities on such short notice, so with our Priest’s all planning to either compete or attend the SHHS “Man Dance” event, and us canceling our activity, I attended the training and made notes on the training to pass along. This training was a Regional Broadcast from the Highland East Stake Ctr, to all Stakes south of the point of the mountain. Presiding was Area Seventy Gary Doxey, and the training was presented by the General Young Men’s President, David L. Beck. The training was not at all really about the new 2013 curriculum, but was about the importance of the Duty to God program and how it will prepare our Young Men to be ready to serve a mission earlier with the new announcement of lowering the mission age to 18. It was mentioned that the new youth curriculum, “Come, Follow Me, would be implemented January of 2013 and that there is currently some on-line resources to begin reviewing:

Ø  President Beck lead a discussion on the importance of preparing our youth earlier to serve, and that our AP Quorum meeting’s should directly utilize our YM to TEACH, that by doing, they are actively learning.
D&C 88: 77-78
                77 And I give unto you a commandment that you shall ateach one another the bdoctrine of the kingdom.
78 Teach ye diligently and my agrace shall attend you, that you may be binstructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;
Ø  He expressed that our YM are to “Teach One Another”, and to “Teach Diligently”, that by doing so, the YOU, meaning our YM, will learn more and prepare better. 
Ø  He also expressed the importance of attending Stake Missionary Prep courses, not only for YM, but for YW and parents / adults as well.

We then watched a short Mormon Messages video on Missionary Service, and that it is a Priesthood Duty.
Following was an open discussion covered by satellite broadcast, but also time was given for satellite facilities to brainstorm the topic: “How Can We Help To Prepare Our YM To Serve”?
                Ideas shared via broadcast as well as local facility discussion:
Ø  Emphasis of the Duty to God Program
Ø  Testimony Development / Building Activities
Ø  Preparing our YM to “Team By The Spirit”
Ø  Have discussions on “Why” we should all participate in ALL programs, 1) Mission Prep 2) Mutual, 3) Scouting, etc. They all have a purpose to prepare.
Ø  Visit and Teach Ward Families from “Preach My Gospel”, to help prepare. Family homes should be like “Mini MTC’s”.
Ø  Teach YM Leadership Principles so they Recognize their Role as Quorum Leaders.
D&C 107: 99-100

99 Wherefore, now let every man learn his aduty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all bdiligence.
100 He that is aslothful shall not be counted bworthy to stand, and he that learns not his duty and shows himself not approved shall not be counted worthy to stand. Even so. Amen.
Ø  The best leadership principle is to LET the YM LEAD!!!
Ø  We should expand our understanding of the D2G program as adult leaders, and continually express the importance of the program in becoming prepared to serve a mission.

We then watched another short Mormon Messages video on “Duty to God”, followed by some additional discussion:
Ø  This D2G program, and resources, have power when it is utilized.
Ø  It is NOT a Personal Improvement Program, it is a resource to help YM know the disciplines of his Duty. The disciplines of the Priesthood IS the disciplines of a mission, disciplines of fatherhood.
Ø  It is a program to help each YM fulfill the work God has for each of them.
Ø  KNOW the PROGRAM – “Duty to God” IS a missionary prep program.
Ø  Invite more “Sharing” in homes and in Quorums, even Mutual activities.
Ø  The new program is not a program where you just check items off – “You  CANNOT check off “Worthiness”.

President Beck then shared his testimony and turned the time over now to each local facility to continue discussions.

Our local facility at the Payson Stake Ctr was attended by Elder Brimhall, an area Seventy, with most of the discussion lead by Robert Heyn of the General Young Men’s Board:
We continued to have a white board discussion on different ideas from those in attendance:
Ø  Encourage adults to participate and complete the D2G program to help them understand it more fully.
Ø  Importance of YM teaching Quorum lessons
Ø  Recognition of progress.
Ø  Encourage every YM to create an LDS.org account to use the technology that is on-line.
Ø  Discuss the different resources that are available to them:
·         lds.org
·         lds.org /youth/learn
·         Youth should download the mobile APP that is available and they can review progress anytime, anywhere.
Ø  Encourage more involvement from parents, especially fathers, and adult leaders.
Ø  Call on YM to speak and Teach by the Spirit – Impromptu, even in Sacrament meeting.
Ø  Every YM needs a mentor, someone to look to. The D2G program is a very heavily mentored program.

D&C 84: 106

106 And if any man among you be astrong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is bweak, that he may be cedified in all dmeekness, that he may become strong also.

Lastly, we watched another short Mormon Messages video on inviting others to “Come Unto Christ”, with an emphasis on how our YM need to have a VISION, of the D2G program.

Closing included how the new 2013 Aaronic Priesthood curriculum would reference the D2G requirements in the lesson guidebook.

Hopefully these notes are useful. Please forward them to each of your respective advisors. Our YM are so fortunate to have each of you as examples, and I sincerely appreciate all that you do.


Elder Beck:

D&C 88:78    Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;
The "You" is the teacher
Reactions from a couple YM of the lowering of the age to serve a mission.
Testimony from an older brother about what his mission meant to him.
A priesthood duty video was shown
How do we help more YM prepare to go on a mission?
*    We held an informal quorum meeting
YM/older brethren talked about how to help other YM prepare
Teach the "why" we do certain things in quorum meeting.Helps the YM understand better the principles of the gospel.
Recognize responsibilities.
D&C 107:99      Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence.
Identify those YM earlier who may struggle in preparing to serve a mission.         Make our homes an MTC!!!
Elder Beck highly recommended we use the DTG booklet in preparing to serve.
DTG video with Pres Eyring.
DTG is a resource to learn the discipline of the priesthood.        It is more than a self improvement program.
Worthy is the first thing that needs to happen in the DTG program.        Priesthood duty picks up the rest
D&C 20:59
Learn, act, share!!!
Disciplines of the priesthood are the same as a mission, and fatherhood.
    We need to promote these disciplines.
Drop by drop development - Elder Bednar
Elder Brimhall:
Establish habits that surround discipline within the DTG program.
Focus on the process rather than the end result.
Lack of planning and making goals always surround unsuccessful missionaries.
DTG helps YM to work hard to plan and make goals and learn the "Why" of the DTG.
Come follow me- new youth curriculum for 2013.
   Implements the DTG in all youth Sunday school lessons.
  Quorum agenda meetings will involve DTG as part of the agenda.
Allow time for DTG on Sunday and mutual.
More participation from adults, and YM.
Increase leader support at all levels.
D&C84:106   And if any man among you be strong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may become strong also.
Mentors are essential in helping YM fulfill their DTG
Talked about technology ( online)
All youth need an LDS.org account.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I believe the "Great Salem 8th" is now on the blog.  i am a bit techno challenged so if i was to do more, please inform.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Round table

Remember Round Table tomorrow (Thursday October 11) at 7:00 PM at our stake center (this month only).  Round table is for all adult leaders associated with scouting.  See you there

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Youth Curriculum

My brothers,

Please review the new youth curriculum which was referenced in General Conference.  I'm interested to know what you feel as you study this approach.  We'll start in January to use this new curriculum.   Please consider the role of the quorum president and 1st assistant. I can tell you, I'm excited for this update.  It seems so natural to ponder the needs of each YM as we study throughout the month in preparation for our instruction.   Our instruction becomes an extension of our personal study and spiritual exploration. 


Friday, October 5, 2012

Pow Wow sign up!!

The stake merit badge pow wow will include the following merit badges:

Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in the World
Emergency Preparedness
Family Life

Please comment on this blog with the names of the YM who will be attending each badge from your unit.   Each YM can enroll in 3 badges.  I will adjust the timing to best accommodate the number of YM enrolled in each badge.

The Pow Wow will be held from 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM October 27 & Nov 10.

Please post any questions.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Final prep for Conference


Please consider the experience of the brother of Jared with the Lord.  After he saw the hand of the Lord and before the Lord revealed himself completely; the brother of Jared was asked if he believed the words the Lord was going to speak.  I love this principle.
In preparation for the upcoming General Conference, we might ask ourselves, "Do I believe what the Lord is going to reveal to me?"  Does the Spirit need to teach us before we excessive faith?

What do you think?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Let's explore, as a group of YM advisers, the advice given to us by President Clare to find the promises associated with prophetic guidance to study the Book of Mormon.

I'll start...


We studied the Book of Mormon in Sunday School this past year. Nonetheless I offer a challenge to members of the Church throughout the world and to our friends everywhere to read or reread the Book of Mormon. If you will read a bit more than one and one-half chapters a day, you will be able to finish the book before the end of this year. Very near the end of its 239 chapters, you will find a challenge issued by the prophet Moroni as he completed his record nearly 16 centuries ago. Said he:
“And I exhort you to remember these things; for the time speedily cometh that ye shall know that I lie not, for ye shall see me at the bar of God; and the Lord God will say unto you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man, like as one crying from the dead, yea, even as one speaking out of the dust? …
“And God shall show unto you, that that which I have written is true” (Moro. 10:27, 29).
Without reservation I promise you that if each of you will observe this simple program, regardless of how many times you previously may haveread the Book of Mormon, there will come into your lives and into your homes an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God.

That's quite a promise.

Please share the promises you find, and feel free to post some of your experiences with promises related to Book of Mormon study.

At the end of the adult session last night, Amy turned to me and said "Did you hear what I heard?".  We both agreed that we needed to companion study the Book of Mormon by General Conference. There is a personal promise related to this challenge we received from the Spirit last night. I'll let you know what I learn.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Let me know what you think of this devotional talk from last night...
The Fall Camporee was a wonderful success this last weekend.  Thanks to the 4th ward and Woodland Hills for their support.

We camped on the field across from the Spanish Fork Airport and spent Friday night and Saturday at the airport completing the aviation merit badge.   We heard from a couple Air Force pilots and learned a lot about aviation.  In fact, I learned why the new jet engines are more efficient and more powerful while being much larger.

I'm grateful to the district for providing something we couldn't do on a unit basis; or even at a stake level.

I would love to hear what you all thought of this camp.  Some of my thoughts:

  • It was very well run
  • Something we couldn't do at a unit level
  • The boys all earned a merit badge
  • Provided an overnight camp with very little planning for the committee and Scoutmaster
  • Good opportunity to invite father participation
  • I didn't love camping in the middle of a city
  • Are we just churning out merit badges without a focus on the journey?  Same question I have for merit badge pow wows.
Again, please let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


A few questions to ponder....

What are the key doctrines the YM need to learn right now?  I'm thinking, start with the Purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood and ponder from there...but that is my method, it doesn't have to be yours.

How do we keep the Exodus alive in the hearts of the young men?  We began a journey, we touched the temple, the journey continues...how do we "remember" and bring it forward in our youth's lives?  

How does Duty of God not get lost or forgotten?  How do we strengthen Father/son relationships?   How do we ensure DTG and Scouting are complimenting and supporting the key doctrines which our YM need to learn?

What activities or patterns support the teaching and establishment of the key doctrines above?

How do we bring the missionary spirit into our young men and the stake?  How can we bring the power of the return missionaries into the Aaronic Priesthood quorums?  How can we build a missionary spirit that begins in the home, is strengthened in the quorums, and becomes a reflection of our faith?  There is a pattern provided to us by the Lord...Learn, Act, Share.  I'm finding it's not a command so much as a truth.  When you read the Book of Mormon and act on the promptings you feel and think, you become converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and when you become converted you desire for all of God's children to feel what you feel.  Just a thought. 

Feel free to post you impressions.  This is a private blog just for the YM advisers in the stake, so don't be shy. 
Bishop Wilson and President Averett shared with me their wonderful high adventure activity this summer near Mexican Hat Utah. Kevin Bardsley found this opportunity and over saw the building crews. Young men were in charge and led committees to do the building, and other activities. The home was constructed for a Navajo Family in Southern Utah in 4 days. The family are not members of the church and we had some nice gospel discussions with them as well. Our theme was Serving Now to Prepare to Serve Missions Later.
Enjoy this wonderfully edited video. The entire video and editing was done by one of our Priests Jordan Cheney, he spent many hours and did a fantastic job. I feel very priviledged just to have been a small part of what whent on here and to have witnessed the tremendous growth in our Young Men.

I believe Bro. Bardsley could provide info. for additional projects like this if others are interested.

Here is the Link to view on youtube: http://youtu.be/6vihRg9dFSw

Monday, September 3, 2012

This blog is intended to become a place wherein we, as young men advisers, can share ideas, successes, issues, concerns, or anything related to serving the fine young men of our stewardship.